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Using SmartMan - In the Classroom Situation

This section outlines different ways to integrate SmartMan into your classroom to achieve high performance scores. Classroom organization depends on many different factors. For example it depends on how many students are in the class, how long the class is, whether it is a refresher class or not, and the level of the CPR skills to be taught.

Things To Decide

How tight is time?
Do you want results with student names?
D you want all class results together?
Do you want to make a chart of results?
Do you want to order results and put them into a chart?
Do you want to send results to the server?

Teaching Tips

Coaching with Feedback
Self Test Without Feedback
Student Self Adjustment of Accuracy
Buddy Teaching

In The Classroom

Set A Performance Target For Students
Rapid Skills Refresher (Each Student Gets Time On Manikin)
Skills Refresher On Large Screen (In Front of Whole Class)
Working In Pairs At A Station (CPR)
The Airway Station
Doing Things With Results


Classrooms vary a great deal. Sometimes yo have a lot of students and sometimes very few students. Sometimes you are refreshing skills of students who have a lot of experience and sometimes you are teaching students new to CPR. One thing is for sure, if you do you have an aim for your class, you will not achieve it. So from the very beginning decide what in terms of skills you want your students to have learned by the end of the class.

Examples of Lesson Aims

Every student will be able to ...

Example: List key aspects of performing CPR well?

Example: Demonstrate that they can perform chest compressions to 70% competence.

Example: Be acquainted with what CPR on an adult and a child involves.

Set A Performance Target For Students

Set An Achievement Target For Students

This lets students know your expectation and it gives them something to aim at. It also gives them a reason to focus on how well they perform.

SmartMan will give them an objective evaluation of their performance. They will see a percentage score when they successfully complete the activity

RECOMMENDED: If you give a recommended target, you should give them an example that many places achieve 70% or 80%.

REQUIRED: Some places set a minimum requirement such as 70%. If you do this, some student will require multiple attempts to achieve the score.

Once many students are familiar with the fact that they are going to have to produce a score, it can be raised to a higher limit.

What To Do
Tell Students The Target:
Tell Them If They Must Achieve It or If It Is Recommended:
Tell Them The Activity:
Tell Them What They Do When They Achieve The Score:
Tell Them What They Do If They Do Not Achieve The Score:

Consider the following when determining how to give them the above information:

Determine how you will integrate this into your classroom: - Will all student do this as they come into class? Will they all do this during hands-on time? Will you be using a hands-on table that students move to in groups?

Determine What You Will Do With The Results: -
1. If you do not care to identify results with particular students, then you can quickly have students complete skills. 1a. Use Practice Sessions, or 1b. Create a single login to identify that class. Login and select the activity. Every student presses "Restart" and then the Start Button.

If you use this method, we recommend that each student complete a card with their name and with the scores of their attempts. They should be required to hand this into the instructor when they are finished. To print a card in this format, go here.

2. If you want to have each students name with their scores, then either you or they must make a login with their name. This takes approximately 15 seconds. If you know most of the students names before the class begins, you can make the logins beforehand. (see Create Logins). Have students all login with their own names and do their skills. After the class it is very easy to create a chart with their names and scores.


Rapid Skills Refresher (Each Student Gets Time On Manikin)

This focuses each student on their hands-on practice.

They already believe that they are performing well; this will confirm or not.

If improvement is required, then they can do it at the same time or they can do it at a later stage.



There is no focus on having student's names
This is a rapid skills refresher.
Get On The Manikin and Get the Best Score You Can

Setup the System.

Have It Already Logged In to Practice Sessions or to a Class Login.

All students will perform 30 compressions, pause for 4 seconds as if someone was giving ventilations and then perform another set of 30 compressions. Alternatively you can have them perform 60 straight compressions.
Each student should not their score
The following student should press "Restart" then the Start Button and perform the same as above.

This is an example of how a trainer in a classroom with a lot of students and only one SmartMan can have a lot of students get time on the manikin and have real time feedback.
Setup the system, login to a user (maybe with a name for the whole class)
Select the activity eg 30compressions practice.
Instructions for students.
Press START do two sets of 30 compressions
When you see your score, the next person goes
Next person, press STAR
It takes about 40 seconds per person. That is, 15 people in 12 minutes


Skills Refresher On Large Screen (In Front of Whole Class)

This is an excellent way to review the key parameters for performing compressions.

It is also an excellent way to introduce the fact that with SmartMan you will get an accurate score. You must perform well to achieve a high score.

To introduce the feedback so that everyone understands how to improve their performance.


OPTION: To introduce the test yourself feature

Setup everything and have it on the external screen or OHP.
Stretch the screen to take up the full width of the screen.
Focus on the important of chest compressions and performing accurately.

We will see how well each person s performing and have a chance to improve that performance.

In this scenario, since the person performing is also producing the feedback of the performance, the trainer is to focus on helping student understand the performance and how it could be improved.

Avoid over correcting.

Some people use a second attempt in order to improve the score.

At the end of the performance, show the feedback to highlight issues that happened. Perhaps that are things that were corrected, or perhaps it is fatigue showing.

This is an excellent manner for introducing the accuracy of performance and what is going to be expected from each person. They must hone their performance to demonstrate that they are able t perform to the target level.


Working In Pairs At A Station (CPR)

Both students have the opportunity to perform compressions and ventilations.

NOTE: Some students have difficulty get air into the lungs. If you are performing a CPR activity and NO air goes into the lungs, the activity will terminate and they will have to do it again. You know that you have successfully completed the activity when your receive a score.

If you want to know which students performed, when they see their score, have them click on the Summary Button, Type their names into the Comment area and click the save Button.

The next pair can then press the "Restart" Button and the start Button and repeat.

What To Do
Tell Students The Target:
Tell Them If They Must Achieve It or If It Is Recommended:
Tell Them The Activity:
Tell Them What They Do When They Achieve The Score:
Tell Them What They Do If They Do Not Achieve The Score:

Consider the following when determining how to give them the above information:


Encouraging Self-Test

Focusing on Muscle Memory

Putting focus on the feel of one's own movement.



What To Do
Tell Students The Target:
Tell Them If They Must Achieve It or If It Is Recommended:
Tell Them The Activity:
Tell Them What They Do When They Achieve The Score:
Tell Them What They Do If They Do Not Achieve The Score:

Self-test is important for students as they must develop a feel in their body for when they are responding correctly. Turn off the Feedback by clicking on the Feedback Off Button. The screen will only display gray bars to show that it is working. When the student completes the activity, the score and the results are immediately displayed.

If you examine results at a later time, the results file will contain a "b" to signify that this activity was performed "blind" without access to the feedback and no coaching was possible.


The Airway Station (to improve use of BVM)

Focusing on

Slowing down rate of inspiration
Proper Release of the BVM

Use of BVM


Intubation while someone is doing CPR


What To Do
Tell Students The Aim:
Tell Them what they do in the activity
Tell Them how:
Tell them that use of BVM is not easy. That it takes practice and a good score is 60%


Doing Things With Results

Review Performance

Keeping Records

Show Improvement Over Time

Display Performance for groups




Of course the main aim of SmartMan is to have students produce a high level of accuracy when they perform CPR which they are able to reproduce. Yet once you have student results there are many important things you are able to do.

Review With Student:

Review Particular Results and Go Over Points With The Class: This can be done as soon as an activity is competed. Or you can view Previous Results to bring up a set of results at a later time. This is an excellent way to show degradation of performance accuracy over time. It is an excellent way to show how with feedback people can improve their scores.

Create a Class list of Score (optional to have names): This allows the trainer to know for him or herself how well people are performing. It is an excellent way to show how people are improving over time. It is easy to save the results. It is also easy to put them into a chart.

Create a Chart of Score (optional to have names): Once you have identified a class set of scores it is easy to produce a chart of scores. This can be put into order, you can add the names and then view various types of graphs to display the results. The results are produced and assembled on SmartMan with the All Results Button. When you have the results you want, you click the Export to Excel Button. Excel opens and you create the graph in Excel.